Carbonite Backup für M365 Fehlerdiagnose/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen


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(2 dazwischenliegende Versionen desselben Benutzers werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 17: Zeile 17:
The values ​​for the storage usage took up to 24 hours to update.<br>
The values ​​for the storage usage took up to 24 hours to update.<br>
If you can rule this out as the cause, the app profile will probably need to be re-authorized.<br>
If you can rule this out as the cause, the app profile will probably need to be re-authorized.<br>
You can find instructions for this [[Carbonite_Backup_for_M365#Re-authorize_app_profile|here]].<br>
You can find instructions for this [ here].<br>
<span id="Backup-Status:_Keine_Updates_für_Backup"></span>
<span id="Backup-Status:_Keine_Updates_für_Backup"></span>
Zeile 58: Zeile 58:
'''Recommended action:'''<br>
'''Recommended action:'''<br>
The error message occurs if the connection to the tenant could not be established successfully initially.<br>
The error message occurs if the connection to the tenant could not be established successfully initially.<br>
Please switch to the Customer Portal and reconnect the tenant. Instructions can be found under the [[Carbonite_Backup_for_M365#Reconnect_tenant|link]].<br>
Please switch to the Customer Portal and reconnect the tenant. Instructions can be found under the [ link].<br>
You should then be able to continue with the setup.<br>
You should then be able to continue with the setup.<br>
Zeile 72: Zeile 72:
Then start the backup again or wait for the next automatic backup attempt.<br>
Then start the backup again or wait for the next automatic backup attempt.<br>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<span id="Es_gibt_eine_monatliche_Beschränkung_für_die_Anzahl_der_Inhalte,_die_exportiert_werden_können._[…]"></span>
==== Es gibt eine monatliche Beschränkung für die Anzahl der Inhalte, die exportiert werden können. […] ====
==== There is a monthly limit on the amount of content that can be exported. […] ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error pattern:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
The monthly export limit for "Carbonite Backup for M365" is 100 GB by default and has been exceeded.<br>
Das monatliche Exportlimit beim „Carbonite Backup für M365“ beträgt standardmäßig 100 GB und wurde überschritten.<br>
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Wenn Sie eine größere Menge an Daten exportieren möchten, lassen Sie uns eine kurze Mail an die „“,<br>
If you would like to export a larger amount of data, send us a short email to "",<br>
mit dem entsprechenden Tenant und dem Tenant-Besitzer zukommen, damit wir eine temporäre Erhöhung des Limits veranlassen können.<br>
with the relevant tenant and the tenant owner so that we can arrange a temporary increase in the limit.<br>
<span id="Fehler_beim_Extrahieren_exportierter_Daten"></span>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== Error extracting exported data ====
==== Fehler beim Extrahieren exportierter Daten ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error pattern:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
If you have exported a large amount of data and the resulting .zip file cannot be extracted,<br>
Sofern Sie eine große Menge an Daten exportiert haben und sich die daraus resultierende .zip-Datei nicht extrahieren lässt,<br>
this may be related to the Windows limitation for the extraction path.<br>
kann dies mit der Windows-Limitierung für den Extraktionspfad zusammenhängen.<br>
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Öffnen Sie eine CMD oder  PowerShell-Konsole und führen die folgenden Befehle aus:<br>
Open a CMD or PowerShell console and execute the following commands:<br>
cd '''*Quellpfad*'''
cd '''*Source path*'''
-xf '''*Exportierter .zip-Ordner*'''
-xf '''*Exported .zip folder*'''
Alternativ können Sie eine Drittanbieter-Software verwenden, um die Dateien zu entpacken.<br>
Alternatively, you can use third-party software to unpack the files.<br>
<span id="Identitätswechselkonto_im_Scanprofil_hat_keine_Produktlizenz"></span>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== Impersonation account in scan profile has no product license ====
==== Identitätswechselkonto im Scanprofil hat keine Produktlizenz ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error pattern:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
Example: Exchange public folders: The identity change account in the scan profile does not have a product license for Exchange Online in Microsoft 365.<br>
Beispiel: Öffentliche Ordner von Exchange: Das Identitätswechselkonto im Scanprofil hat keine Produktlizenz für Exchange Online in Microsoft 365.<br>
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass dem Globalen Administrator eine Exchange Online Lizenz zugewiesen wurde.<br>
Please ensure that the global administrator has been assigned an Exchange Online license.<br>
Sofern keine Öffentlichen Ordner vorhanden sind bzw. diese nicht gesichert werden sollen,<br>
If there are no public folders or they are not to be backed up,<br>
kann der Objekttyp "Öffentliche Ordner" aus dem Scan-Profil ausgeschlossen werden.<br>
the object type "Public folders" can be excluded from the scan profile.<br>
Bearbeiten Sie hierzu den Scan und deselektieren  den Objekttyp. Im Anschluss muss ein Scan durchgeführt werden.<br>
To do this, edit the scan and deselect the object type. A scan must then be carried out.<br>
<span id="Kein_Fortschritt_bei_der_Durchführung_des_Backups"></span>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== No progress in performing the backup ====
==== Kein Fortschritt bei der Durchführung des Backups ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error pattern:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
If the progress indicator (%) of a job in the Endpoint Portal overview does not change for a long time,<br>
Sollte sich die Fortschrittsanzeige (%) eines Jobs in der Übersicht des Endpoint Portals über längere Zeit nicht verändern,<br>
the job has probably froze.<br>
hat sich der Job voraussichtlich aufgehangen.<br>  
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Bitte lassen Sie uns in diesem Fall eine kurze E-Mail an die „“ mit der Job-ID und dem Namen des betroffenen Tenants zukommen,<br>
In this case, please send us a short email to "" with the job ID and the name of the affected tenant,<br>
damit wir eine Behebung des Fehlers veranlassen können.<br>
so that we can resolve the error.<br>
<span id="Unzureichende_App-Berechtigungen._Bitte_autorisieren_Sie_die_App_in_der_Carbonite_Cloud_Backup_Admin-Schnittstelle_erneut.[…]"></span>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== Insufficient app permissions. Please reauthorize the app in the Carbonite Cloud Backup admin interface.[…] ====
==== Unzureichende App-Berechtigungen. Bitte autorisieren Sie die App in der Carbonite Cloud Backup Admin-Schnittstelle erneut.[…] ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error image:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
If a scan fails with this error message, this can be due to, for example, changed authorization requirements.<br>
Wenn ein Scan mit dieser Fehlermeldung fehlschlägt, kann dies z. B.  auf geänderte Anforderungen an den Berechtigungen zurückzuführen sein.<br>
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Bitte autorisieren das App-Profil erneut. Eine Anleitung hierzu finden Sie [[Carbonite_Backup_für_M365#App_Profil_erneut_autorisieren|hier]].<br>
Please authorize the app profile again. Instructions for this can be found [ here].<br>
<span id="Wählen_Sie_einen_verfügbaren_Tenant_aus,_um_fortzufahren."></span>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== Select an available tenant to continue. ====
==== Wählen Sie einen verfügbaren Tenant aus, um fortzufahren. ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error pattern:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
You want to create a new app profile for a customer and receive the message "Select an available tenant to continue.",<br>
Sie möchten ein neues App-Profil für einen Kunden anlegen und erhalten die Nachricht „Wählen Sie einen verfügbaren Tenant aus, um fortzufahren.,<br>
as soon as you have entered the corresponding tenant in the field provided.<br>
sobald Sie den entsprechenden Tenant in das hierfür vorhergesehene Feld eingetragen haben.<br>
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Die Fehlermeldung tritt auf, wenn die Verbindung zum Tenant initial nicht erfolgreich aufgebaut werden konnte.<br>
The error message occurs if the connection to the tenant could not be established successfully initially.<br>
Wechseln Sie bitte in das Customer Portal und verbinden Sie den Tenant, wie in der [[Carbonite_Backup_für_M365#Tenant_erneut_verbinden|verlinkten Anleitung]] beschrieben, erneut.<br>
Please switch to the Customer Portal and reconnect the tenant as described in the [ linked instructions].<br>
Im Anschluss können Sie die Einrichtung fortsetzen.<br>
You can then continue with the setup.<br>
<span id="Zugang_verweigert._Sie_haben_Keine_Berechtigung_für_diese_Aktion."></span>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action. ====
==== Zugang verweigert. Sie haben Keine Berechtigung für diese Aktion. ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error image:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.<br>
Zugang verweigert. Sie haben keine Berechtigung, diese Aktion auszuführen oder auf diese Ressource zuzugreifen.<br>
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Fügen Sie das von Ihnen konfigurierte Dienstkonto oder die im Kontenpool verwendete Gruppe zur Gruppe der Site-Administratoren  hinzu.<br>
Add the service account you configured or the group used in the account pool to the Site Administrators group.<br>
<span id="Zugriff_auf_Ihr_SharePoint_Online-Admin_Center_fehlgeschlagen._[…]"></span>
<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
==== Access to your SharePoint Online Admin Center failed. […] ====
==== Zugriff auf Ihr SharePoint Online-Admin Center fehlgeschlagen. […] ====

<div lang="de" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
'''Error pattern:''' <br>
'''Fehlerbild:''' <br>
This error pattern can occur during the backup of various object types, such as SharePoint Online, Project,<br>
Dieses Fehlerbild kann während der Sicherung verschiedener Objekttypen, wie z. B. SharePoint Online, Project,<br>
One Drive or Microsoft 365 groups, if the URL of the SharePoint Online Admin Center cannot be retrieved successfully.<br>
One Drive oder Microsoft 365-Gruppen auftreten, wenn die URL des SharePoint Online-Admin Centers nicht erfolgreich abgerufen werden kann.<br>
'''Handlungsempfehlung:''' <br>
'''Recommended action:''' <br>
Sofern Sie das SharePoint Online-Admin Center problemlos erreichen können, ist dieser Fehler in den meisten Fällen<br>
If you can access the SharePoint Online Admin Center without any problems, this error is in most cases<br>
auf eine falsche URL-Angabe bei der Job-Konfiguration zurückzuführen.<br>
due to an incorrect URL being specified during job configuration.<br>
Sie können die URL im Customer Portal bearbeiten, wenn Sie unter dem Reiter Tenant und dann Tenant-Verwaltung auf den Namen des Tenants klicken.<br>
You can edit the URL in the Customer Portal by clicking on the tenant's name under the Tenant tab and then Tenant Management.<br>
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie lediglich die Stamm-URL ohne Unterverzeichnisse hinterlegt haben. (Siehe nachfolgendes Beispiel)<br>
Please make sure that you have only entered the root URL without any subdirectories. (See example below)<br>

Aktuelle Version vom 8. Juli 2024, 09:00 Uhr


Subscription type: only trial version selectable

Error pattern:
During the invitation process for a new tenant, you only have the option of selecting a trial version as a subscription type in the drop-down menu.

Recommended action:
Please inform us of this by sending a short email to "".

Discrepancy in memory usage report

Error pattern:
A report shows a different value or even "0 GB" for the "protected capacity".

Recommended action:
The values ​​for the storage usage took up to 24 hours to update.
If you can rule this out as the cause, the app profile will probably need to be re-authorized.
You can find instructions for this here.

Backup status: No updates for backup

Error image:
If this error message occurs, the backup for the corresponding object type could not be initiated successfully.

Recommended action:
If the status does not change after the next backup, please send a short email to ""
with the job ID and the name of the affected tenant.

The user does not have the license

Error image:
The service account <<User>> or the service account pool user used for the current job
does not have a Project Online license in Microsoft 365.

Recommended action:
Assign the Project Online license to the user used to back up the Project Online site collections in Microsoft 365.

Service account could not be found […]

Error image:
The service account <<User>> in Carbonite Backup for Microsoft 365 Admin cannot be found.
To synchronize new service accounts, either run a one-time scan job in the auto discovery
or wait for a scheduled scan job to complete.

Recommended action:
If the synchronization of the service account fails, you can select the checkbox of the scan profile in the Customer Portal under "Auto Discovery" or "Scan profiles"
and repeat the process manually using the "Scan now" function.

Error 500

Error image:
After you have invited a new customer and want to "start the services", you will receive the error code 500 in your browser.

Recommended action:
The error message occurs if the connection to the tenant could not be established successfully initially.
Please switch to the Customer Portal and reconnect the tenant. Instructions can be found under the link.
You should then be able to continue with the setup.

There is no service account or application profile

Error image:
In Carbonite Backup for Microsoft 365 Admin, there is no available service account or app profile for this Microsoft 365 account.
Please configure a service account or app profile with the required permissions and then try again.

Recommended action:
In the Customer Portal in App Management, create a service account or app profile with the required permissions for this tenant.
Then start the backup again or wait for the next automatic backup attempt.

There is a monthly limit on the amount of content that can be exported. […]

Error pattern:
The monthly export limit for "Carbonite Backup for M365" is 100 GB by default and has been exceeded.

Recommended action:
If you would like to export a larger amount of data, send us a short email to "",
with the relevant tenant and the tenant owner so that we can arrange a temporary increase in the limit.

Error extracting exported data

Error pattern:
If you have exported a large amount of data and the resulting .zip file cannot be extracted,
this may be related to the Windows limitation for the extraction path.

Recommended action:
Open a CMD or PowerShell console and execute the following commands:
cd *Source path* -xf *Exported .zip folder* Alternatively, you can use third-party software to unpack the files.

Impersonation account in scan profile has no product license

Error pattern:
Example: Exchange public folders: The identity change account in the scan profile does not have a product license for Exchange Online in Microsoft 365.

Recommended action:
Please ensure that the global administrator has been assigned an Exchange Online license.
If there are no public folders or they are not to be backed up,
the object type "Public folders" can be excluded from the scan profile.
To do this, edit the scan and deselect the object type. A scan must then be carried out.

No progress in performing the backup

Error pattern:
If the progress indicator (%) of a job in the Endpoint Portal overview does not change for a long time,
the job has probably froze.

Recommended action:
In this case, please send us a short email to "" with the job ID and the name of the affected tenant,
so that we can resolve the error.

Insufficient app permissions. Please reauthorize the app in the Carbonite Cloud Backup admin interface.[…]

Error image:
If a scan fails with this error message, this can be due to, for example, changed authorization requirements.

Recommended action:
Please authorize the app profile again. Instructions for this can be found here.

Select an available tenant to continue.

Error pattern:
You want to create a new app profile for a customer and receive the message "Select an available tenant to continue.",
as soon as you have entered the corresponding tenant in the field provided.

Recommended action:
The error message occurs if the connection to the tenant could not be established successfully initially.
Please switch to the Customer Portal and reconnect the tenant as described in the linked instructions.
You can then continue with the setup.

Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action.

Error image:
Access denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource.

Recommended action:
Add the service account you configured or the group used in the account pool to the Site Administrators group.

Access to your SharePoint Online Admin Center failed. […]

Error pattern:
This error pattern can occur during the backup of various object types, such as SharePoint Online, Project,
One Drive or Microsoft 365 groups, if the URL of the SharePoint Online Admin Center cannot be retrieved successfully.

Recommended action:
If you can access the SharePoint Online Admin Center without any problems, this error is in most cases
due to an incorrect URL being specified during job configuration.
You can edit the URL in the Customer Portal by clicking on the tenant's name under the Tenant tab and then Tenant Management.
Please make sure that you have only entered the root URL without any subdirectories. (See example below)